Tuesday 6 August 2013

Information Technology trying to solve YouTube issue: Anusha Rehamn

Information Technology trying to solve YouTube issue: Anusha RehamnInformation Technology trying to solve YouTube issue: Anusha Rehamn. The minister of Information Technology (IT) Anusha Rehman Khan said that they are trying to solve the YouTube issue in the country. In order to restore the access of video sharing website in the country they are trying hard and are developing software for blocking blasphemous material from YouTube. She said, while talking to the media, that they are making efforts for YouTube restoration but is unable to give any timeline.

She added that the experts are working on blocking the website with unwanted material and approximately 2,700 such sites had already been blocked.
Anusha Rehamns further said YouTube would be restored in the country when all the blasphemous material would remove. She said that Google is also not cooperating with Pakistan in order to remove unwanted material from the website.
Pakistan banned the access of YouTube on 17th September in the country due to the blasphemous material uploaded on the video sharing website. READ MORE

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