Thursday 29 August 2013

Breaking News: PTA directs cellular operators to halt All Voice and SMS bundles

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has directed all the cellular operators in Pakistan to halt all the Voice and SMS bundles that are being offered to their subscribers. PTA took this decision by keeping in view the moral values of society. Currently, the cellular companies are offering daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly packages and according to PTA directives the telecom operators have to submit a compliance report to the authority by 2ndSeptember, 2013.

The letter from reads “Directive Relating to Packages Offered by CMTOs Contrary to Moral Values of Society” reasons a survey conducted in November 2012 which suggested PTA that voice and SMS bundles were still active.
The new directive is, “All cellular mobile operators are hereby once again directed to immediately stop all kinds of chat packages (Voice and SMS) irrespective of time of the day”
Analysts say currently the industry is derived by these voice and SMS bundles. If not reversed, the whole dynamics of telecom industry of Pakistan will change.
The decision of the PTA is no doubt a Decision a nightmare for the users and now they have to pay for each call and each SMS.
Here is the PTA Letter,
Courtesy by ProPakistani, Moremag


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