Monday 12 August 2013

Health Benefits and side effects of Almonds

Health Benefits and side effects of Almonds Health Benefits and side effects of Almonds. Almonds are no doubt is a rich source of nutrition and contains lots of healthy benefits but they  have some side effects as well. Almonds offer a bunch of nutrition that no other vegetable, fruit and nut can provide. The health benefits of Almonds are given below: Almonds are beauty regime keep skin and hair healthy. Almonds Can give protection against many common diseases including cough, anemia, diabetes and
constipation, etc.
The nutritions of almonds are a good source to improve memory. This fact is also proved by different studies.The use of almonds is good for increasing good cholesterol. Our body contains two types of cholesterol the good and bad cholesterols Almond works by increasing the good and flushing out the bad.
Almonds contain protein, potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin E. these nutritions are good for the health of the heart. The use of almonds protects and makes strong  your bones and teeth because they comprises phosphorous that can promise the full health of the teeth and bones. The consumption of Almonds is also helpful for weight loss .
Almond nuts are rich  can in antioxidants and reduce the risk of certain cancers. Its use improves the immune system.
Almonds control your blood pressure and a rich source of energy without accumulating too much calories.
Side Effects of Almond:
There are some side effects of almonds too if we consumed in high amounts every day. The too much use of almonds effects the nervous system  and may enhance the effect of anesthesia and other drugs that are used for the same purpose.
Its use may also interact with some drugs. The restriction of the functions of other medications, like antipsychotic drugs, laxatives, antacids, blood pressure medicines, and antibiotics.
The excessive consumption of almonds can cause gastric problem and may lead to swelling, constipation and diarrhea. It also causes food poisoning, allergy and may be the cause of kidney and bladder stones. The best is to regulate the use of almonds on a daily basis which contains numerous benefits. READ MORE

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