Monday 16 September 2013

Forget about Apple Siri: Microsoft to release Cortana to its Windows Devices

Forget about Apple Siri: Microsoft to release Cortana to its Windows Devices. Microsoft has declared that it will bring the new Siri like voice command software called Cortana (named after the character from the Halo series) to compete with Apple’s Siri and Google’s Android. In order to offer a digital personal assistant to its Windows devices Microsoft has selected the beloved Halo artificial intelligence character and the company will bring the Cartona to its all modern Windows devices including  Windows Phone, Surface, Xbox One, and Windows 8.1. Currently , Windows Phone includes basic voice commands, and Microsoft has already invented the voice capabilities of Kinect for its upcoming Xbox One. but of course the Cartona looks to be a step further with a system that will learn and adapt.

According to ZDNetIt will work with all of Microsoft’s “essential services,”. The company  wants Cortana the personal assistant to be able to learn, adapt and the software is based on the knowledge database that powers Bing, dubbed Satori. Microsoft Cortana will become more central to the Windows operating system experience and the company will  seemingly not introduce Cortana until it can provide something entirely unique that would be a leg-up on the competition. Microsoft Cortana will be more than just an app that allows users to interact with their phones more naturally using voice commands.

Microsoft has yet to officially confirm the arrival of it's unique Voice command software cartons. It is expected that the company will release the Software sometime in 2014.

We will keep you inform about the latest happening in this field till then stay tuned with us..

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