Wednesday 4 September 2013

Apple facial mask; A unique Remedy for pimples

Apple facial mask; A unique Remedy for pimples
Apple facial mask; A unique Remedy for pimples.I am sure you are fully aware with the proverb ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ and it's absolutely true if you eat apples daily. Apple is not only good for health its also helps in maintaining a healthy skin and getting healthy and glowing complexion. Apple is extremely good for the skin especially for Pimply face. It is helpful is reducing pimples. Apple has a high amount of elastic and collagen that decrease the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Not only apple its other form such as Apple cider vinegar  is an excellent toner for your skin, astringent or spot remover. It reduces swelling of our hands and feet, treats sun- burned skin and is an excellent shampoo/conditioner. You will find some apple facial masks recipes below to get rid of Pimples and having glowing, problem free skin. The regular treatment of these face masks is an effective treatment for reducing pimples.

Preparation of apple facial masks:

Take an apple and make its pulp by grinding it in a food processor, add 2 2 tablespoons of raw honey and few drops of Lime juice in it. Mix them well and apply on the face, let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water. The regular application reduces and prevents acne/pimples/breakouts on your skin.

Take 2 tablespoon apple puree, add wheat germ (tilula, Wheat germ is an exfoliating agent that removes dead skin layers of cells) in it, mix them well and apply on face for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Take 2 tablespoon apple puree, 2 teaspoons crushed oatmeal and honey, mix all the ingredients and apply on face. Leave it for 20 minutes then wash with warm water. It will supply glow to your skin.

Have a green apple pulp of 2 tablespoons add some yogurt and a teaspoon of honey in it. Apply on the face for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.Green apple is a rich source of vitamins and natural acids that aid in skin whitening and brightening.

Method of face mask application.
Before applying any type of facial mask, wash your skin with lukewarm water. Apply masks at least for 20 minutes on your skin with the help of your fingertips. Apply this home treatment at night daily before going to bed to get better results.

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