Friday 25 October 2013

Girl hanged herself over Facebook Prevention

Girl hanged herself over Facebook Prevention

The addiction of social networking website Face book is becoming a serious threat to the life of people most probably teens. Day after day many incidents happen due to Facebook including kidnapping, blackmailing and people also kill themselves due to frustration. Lots of suicide incidents happened due to Facebook. The researches have also proved that the addiction of Facebook and other technology has a negative effects of the health and mind of the people especially children and teenagers. Due to the addiction of Facebook an awful incident happened in Indian province Maharashtra where a young girl has hanged herself because her parents stopped her for using Facebook.
Aishwarya Dahiwal, 17, a college student found hanging in her bedroom on Wednesday after an argument with her parents, who told her she had to stop using Facebook on her computer, in Maharashtra, said police.
The police said that the parents of the girl stopped her to use Facebook and Mobile all the day. Investigating Officer G. H. Lemgude of Nanalpeth police said that like other parents they wanted to save their daughter from went astray. They told her that she should focus on her studies, but after a row with parents the girl locked herself in her room and was found hanging later, with a suicide note nearby.
The suicide note read as:
‘Is Facebook so bad? I cannot stay in a home with such restrictions as I can't live without Facebook’.
Experts say Facebook are more often to show psychological disorders, such as mania, paranoia, aggressive tendencies, antisocial behavior and increased alcohol use.  Like Pakistan the use of Facebook is also growing rapidly in India, approximately 56,675,740 people use Facebook in India making it the third largest user base for Facebook after USA and Brazil. A survey revealed that the approximately three-quarters of India’s high school students prefer Facebook over phone calls to communicate. The survey was disclosed by the Tata Consultancy Services in June, 2013.

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