Monday 1 July 2013

Yahoo to shut down its 12 Services to Restructure Company

Yahoo-to-shut-down- its-12-Services-to- Restructure-CompanyYahoo to shut down its 12 Services to Restructure Company. The President and the CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, said that they shall shut down 12 yahoo services by the end of September. All the service will be ended on 28th September as the part of restructuring the company. She was of the view that these services have become unnecessary that added additional resources to yahoo, thus  against the vision and direction of a modern Yahoo that is

unified.Yahoo has dumped three of the services including Yahoo Axis, Citizen Sport and Yahoo Browser Plus, on 29th June, 2012.
Yahoo is providing alternative services such as Citizen Sports directed to Yahoo Sport, but Yahoo Axis has stopped its usual updates.
Other shutdown services include Yahoo WebPlayer will never join alternative service by Yahoo, FoxyTunes and RSS Alerts  will also be terminated today,  FoxyTunes gets Yahoo Music alternative while RSS Alerts would be replaced by Keyword News subscriptions.Read More

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